Jelena, in her thirties and a great athlete, didn’t go to see a doctor when her gas became particularly smelly and later discovered she had stage 3 colorectal cancer.
- Jelena noticed that her gas had changed in smell and was heavier. She started taking probiotics to improve her situation. But, bleeding started.
- Tests revealed she had stage 3 colorectal cancer.
- She is now in remission and shares her experience to raise awareness of the disease among the general public.
It’s kind of embarrassing to talk about your farts. But Jelena encourages doing so after being diagnosed with colorectal cancer. The mother confides, in fact, on the site The Patient Story that the first symptom of the illness – which she ignored for several weeks – was the change in the smell of her gas.
Colorectal cancer: the smell of gas was different
A great sportswoman, Jelena, who was in her thirties, felt in great shape. However, she noticed something quite embarrassing in 2016: “My first symptom was actually a change in my gas. It smelled different and it was stronger than before.”, explains the Colorado resident to the American site. Having changed her diet because she was preparing for a half-marathon, the mother thought that the bad odors came from the vegetables she was eating. To try to improve her bloating, she took probiotics. “I started bleeding when I went to the bathroom after taking these probiotics. So I stopped.”
She tried to take it again some time later, but the same problems appeared. “So, I figured I was stuck with stinky farts for the rest of my life.” It was finally only a few months later during an appointment with a nurse that she dared to talk about gas and bleeding. “She said if the bleeding started again to call the office and let them know and they would investigate further.”remembers the patient taken up by The Mirror.
Three months later, the bleeding started again. Tests were then conducted to check if she had any food allergies or a disorder disrupting her digestive system. “Everything came back negative, so she sent me for a colonoscopy so they could investigate directly what was going on inside. I was 34 at the time, in 2016.”
Stage 3 colorectal cancer
From the colonoscopy, the medical team knew that Jelena’s case was serious. She had a large mass in her rectum that they immediately suspected was cancerous. The doctors requested an analysis of the samples taken urgently.
“The colonoscopy was on a Monday and by Wednesday afternoon we were in the doctor’s office getting the results. It was heartbreaking to find out that I might have cancer, that it was bad enough that they couldn’t extract it during the colonoscopy. I knew it wasn’t just stage 1 or 2. It was probably more advanced, but I had no idea how advanced it was.”, remembers the American. The various analyzes revealed that his colorectal cancer was stage 3.
The diagnosis came as a shock to Jelena. “I was in one of the best shapes of my life. I was eating healthy. I never thought cancer would strike me at such a young age”she admits.
Cancer: Jelena is in remission
Jelena’s treatment began with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. This allowed the tumor to shrink. And an intervention was subsequently scheduled. “They removed about a foot from where the colon and rectum meet, and they removed 17 lymph nodes during that operation. Five of them were still positive for cancer.” Jelena had to do chemotherapy again.
She also had an ileostomy. This procedure involves making a hole in the abdomen and placing a piece of the ileum, the lowest part of the small intestine, outside the abdominal wall to create a stoma.
Today, Jelena is in remission. She continues to be monitored by her doctors. She does analyzes every year. She also created a YouTube account where she shares her life as a cancer survivor.
“I talk about everything from my symptoms and diagnosis to the side effects of treatments and surgeries, and how being treated and having no signs of cancer doesn’t mean life suddenly goes back to normal “she explains on his page.