Among the sugars, some are particularly bad for the health. Added sugars, according to a study, increase the risk of cardiovascular mortality.
Added sugars, contained in prepared meals or in drinks, are definitely not good for your health. We already knew that they promote weight gain and obesity. A study, conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, shows that they are also bad for cardiovascular health. The results were published on February 3 in the JAMA Internal Medicine.
The risk of death from cardiovascular disease increases with the proportion of added sugars in the diet. Average consumption (10-25% per day) is associated with a 30% increased risk. It is tripled when we exceed 25% of added sugars per day. According to Laura Schmidt, who wrote a commentary associated with the study, this study “highlights the possibility that, given levels of consumption among Americans, added sugars are a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease mortality beyond of its role as “empty calories” that contribute to weight gain and obesity. “
Often outdated recommendations
Recommendations regarding the consumption of added sugars are still unclear. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends limiting it to 10% of total calorie intake. France only puts forward this figure for people with diabetes or obesity. THE’European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), she wants to limit the total carbohydrate intake between 45 and 60%. But it does not provide details on added sugars.
When looking at the data in the United States, we see that a large number of adults exceed these recommendations. More than 7 in 10 people consume more than 10% of added sugars per day. Sugary drinks are the main source in the Western diet. Desserts and sweets follow. The objective in France, via the National Health Nutrition Program (PNNS) is to reduce calorie intake in carbohydrates by 25% by 2015. But these French estimates mix natural sugars and added sugars.