I will be overwhelmed at work
You can already list what you will have to do when you return: files to work on, mail to process, reminders to perform … and everything you can delegate. Back at the office, sequence your activities. Allow yourself half an hour to listen to your telephone messages and write down the name and number of your correspondents, an hour to sort urgent mails and letters, a final hour to look at the files. Then do a sort. Classify what you need to do in “very urgent”, “urgent” and “important” columns. You will thus see your priorities and be able to accomplish as many tasks as possible. From 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., our gray cells are hyper-efficient. Take the opportunity to work on your difficult files. On the other hand, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., tone and reflexes are at a standstill.
My house is loose
Cleaning, shopping, tidying up … so as not to exhaust yourself with the task, rethink your chores: ask everyone to take care of their business, do your shopping early in the morning or late at night to avoid crowds, or have you delivered. Better to have a solid organization than to feel constantly overwhelmed. For meals, see simple: salads, grills, frozen foods (our healthy menus are full of easy ideas to make) … If you have trips to make (registrations for children in sports clubs for example) ask a friend to accompanying you, it will be more pleasant. And don’t hesitate to review your priorities today: what is urgent … and what can be postponed. Sometimes you have to put certain tasks on hold so as not to have the impression that “we don’t have time for anything”.
I can’t seem to ask myself
During the holidays, you found that you could spend long hours doing nothing, without feeling guilty. Between children, work, activities, remember to take time for yourself, for nothing, for the pleasure of lazing around. Better, find the anti-stress activity which will be, throughout the year, synonymous with relaxation: yoga, sophrology, singing, floral art … Not only do these gentle activities allow you to escape and have fun , but these are moments “just for yourself” which allow you to face the constraints of everyday life more serenely. You will approach this back to school smoothly … while waiting for the next vacation!