At the end of 2018, the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn announced the reimbursement of the EDEN condom from MAJORELLE Laboratories by Health Insurance. Another brand now benefits from this acquittal, thanks to a decree of February 14 entered into force on Monday 4 March. Trademark protections “Go out covered” can now be prescribed by a doctor or a midwife, in order to be reimbursed up to 60%. The goal? restart the fight against sexually transmitted infections (IST) and the HIVon the rise.
POLIDIS, which markets these condoms, is the second manufacturer to request their inclusion on the list of products eligible for reimbursement. His request received a favorable opinion from the High Health Authority on December 18. Their coverage by Social Security is thus planned to last five years, until March 1, 2024.
Diversify prevention
In recent years, the number of new HIV infections has not fallen in France, with approximately 6,000 new cases per year. A particularly high figure among those under 25. A survey carried out for World AIDS Day also revealed that only one out of two students systematically puts on a condom during sexual intercourse. This explains in particular why STIs are experiencing a strong resurgence. Diagnoses linked to chlamydia bacteria and gonococcal infections tripled between 2012 and 2016, alerted the French public health agency in July 2018.
As the government aims by 2030 “zero new infections” by HIV and elimination of STIs “as major public health problems”this measure is therefore intended to “diversifying prevention” to reach as many people as possible. In November, the Ministry of Health recalled that despite the wide range that exists, from screening to HIV preventive and post-exposure treatment, ” The preservative […] remains the basic tool » of prevention.
Read also :
- Every 3 minutes, a teenage girl is infected with the AIDS virus
- Condoms: 5 taboo questions