Ordering a garment made in China on the internet and receiving it in France (or anywhere else), between 3 and 7 days: this is called ultra fast fashion, embodied by the Shein brand. While the fashion sector is already singled out for the air pollution it generates (10% of greenhouse gas emissions!), for the resulting social disasters (slavery, child labor), he is now pinned for THE chemicals found in clothing and threaten human health, reveals Greenpeace Germany.
In Europe, products are regulated according to the toxic materials they contain. There are thresholds not to be exceeded, prohibited products… But by buying and analyzing 47 pieces from the Shein site, Greenpeace realized that 15% of products exceeded standards.
Quantities of products that explode European ceilings
Very high levels of phthalates have been identified in particular: around 100,000 mg/kilo, against a regulation that requires less than 1,000 mg/kilo. In costumes for little girls, we find formaldehyde, four times more than what is allowed for children’s toys in Europe. Heavy metals have also been detected, or even nickel, in swimsuits, socks, jackets, baby clothes, children’s toys…
These are all materials responsible for skin and respiratory allergies, which have harmful effects on fertility, which affect the nervous system, renal or hepatic functions. Of course, among them some are carcinogens. Both from an environmental, social and health point of view, fast fashion brands, and in this case Shein, pose big problems.
Source: Greenpeace Germany, November 2022.