Each year, approximately 150 to 200 cases of shaken babies. This form of child abuse refers to non-accidental head trauma that can lead to brain damage. Violent shaking of victims, often less than a year old, often causes irreversible damage (crushing of brain tissue, bruising, edema with hemorrhage, shearing of brain tissue which can cause tearing) which can sometimes lead to death. 10% of babies die after violent shaking. For other babies, if disabilities are not noticed after the age of six months, they can appear later through learning difficulties for example.
Inform to prevent the risk of a shaken baby
To prevent the risk, a shaken baby syndrome awareness campaign has been launched in Indre-et-Loire. The Tours public prosecutor’s office identified a dozen cases of shaken babies between March 2015 and March 2016. The public prosecutor’s office in charge of minors had the idea of launching an information campaign to raise awareness among mothers and future mothers as well as health professionals. early childhood, reports France Bleu. All were invited to sign a Departmental Charter for the prevention of shaken baby syndrome. The goal? Prevent the dangers of shaking your baby too hard to calm your crying, and explain how to react to baby sobs.
A report will be carried out in a year to assess the impact of this awareness campaign.
To learn more about shaken baby syndrome, a dedicated site: http://syndromedubebesecoue.com/
Syndrome Info Campaign #ShakeBaby : success yesterday at #Evreux. Meet tonight at #LaCoutureBoussey. #Eure#Healthpic.twitter.com/kCVBAYuBmN
– Department 27 (@DepartementEure) June 14, 2016
The ten points to know about the Syndrome of #baby shakinghttps://t.co/nuuQH654bM#baby#tears#handicap#maltreatment#traumapic.twitter.com/A15DqXLmMd
– Shaken Baby Syndrome (@SBebeSecoue) October 11, 2016
Read also: Shaken baby: 9 questions for the pediatrician
A smartphone app to understand baby’s crying