Trace elements are necessary for the body’s vital functions, but most often in very small quantities, which is why they are also called “trace elements”.
Present in the majority of seafood and in iodized salt, it allows the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
Essential for growth, it plays a role in the development of brain functions and in the body’s defense mechanisms against infections. It hides in meat, eggs, dairy products.
The copper
It is found in dried fruits, wheat germ, organ meats, crustaceans and shellfish. It is essential for the functioning of the heart, the growth, the solidity of the bones; it also facilitates the absorption of iron.
And many others
Chromium, fluorine, cobalt, manganese, nickel, selenium …, which are considered essential to the body.
Is it true that they can be toxic?
Ingested as food supplements and sometimes in high doses, some of them can become toxic. This is the case, for example, with fluorine which, in high doses, can weaken tooth and bone enamel, and contribute to the formation of calcium deposits in the ligaments of the joints. As a general rule, a balanced and diversified diet is enough to cover all our needs.