Update on the numbers
The Prime Minister began his situation update by evoking the epidemic situation of the country in relation to Europe. According to him, ” it is probably today in France that the situation has evolved the best for 6 weeks and it is in France that the epidemic is today the best controlled compared to our European neighbors “. However, “this improvement has stalled for a week. The number of new contaminations is no longer reduced, and has even tended to increase slightly over the past few days, so the game is far from over, ”explains Jean Castex.
This Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 14,595 positive cases have been recorded in France, the highest figure since November 25. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, explains: “ this evening (Thursday, December 10), nearly 14,000 new cases carried out while there were 12,000 last Thursday. It’s not yet an epidemic recovery, it’s more of a plateau but we know that from plateau to peak, things can go very quickly “.
Curfew from December 15
As Emmanuel Macron announced in his last televised address, confinement will indeed be replaced by a curfew from December 15. Initially scheduled between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., the Prime Minister announced a toughening of the measure by starting it at 8 p.m. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin thus provided some details: “ from December 15 at 8 p.m., we are entering a curfew phase except for the ultra-marine territories. Here are the main rules: during the day, the certificate will no longer be required to travel. Travel between regions will be authorized. However, travel will be prohibited from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. “.
Establishments open to the public will remain closed for another three weeks
If the confinement will give way to a curfew from next December 15, the Prime Minister announced that establishments open to the public such as cinemas, theaters, performance halls or even museums will remain closed for three additional weeks. According to him, “ the conditions for their reopening are not met “. Likewise, places of worship will not see any relaxation of their sanitary measures. See you on January 7, 2021 to find out more about the evolution of these measures.
Lifting the curfew for Christmas but not for the New Year
As planned, travel will be permitted for Christmas Eve on December 24. Jean Castex recommends a limit of 6 adults per family and advises “ limit (the) interactions during the previous 5 days »To avoid the slightest risk of contamination in homes. On the other hand and contrary to what was announced last November 27 by the Head of State, the New Year’s Eve of December 31 will not benefit from a travel exemption.
Regarding screening before the holidays, Olivier Véran warned the French who would like to be tested before joining their family, explaining that they should not use ” the test as a sort of totem of immunity ”. According to him, “there is a risk of overprotection if we are not symptomatic, there is a risk that the test will be negative when we are not yet contagious. The danger would be that 20 people who have planned to share a meal for Christmas decide to be tested, having confidence, stop wearing the mask etc. In reality, the virus is there and the risk of transmission is real “.