For some time now, your child has had a complicated relationship with food. He sorts his food, refuses what he does not know, eats little, when he does not categorically reject several foods.
Eating disorders are a frequent reason for consultation between 0 and 5 years old. “In the majority of cases, these are transient episodes, especially around the age of 2 when the child asserts his will, situations which should not cause excessive concern,reassures Pre Véronique Abadie from the outset. The problem, in our society, is that we have to fit into a standard. You have to be such a weight at such an age, eat such and such a quantity. This creates an anxiety-provoking climate. » Parents need to stay calm, because the stress contributes to eating difficulties. “Provide your child with the same food regularly, no doubt he will end up liking it. » Before adding: “You shouldn’t feel guilty about giving the child what he likes, including cakes or spreads! This gives a pleasure value to the food. If the weight of the child stagnates, it is recommended to add fat to the dishes. »
If most of the time this phase is only temporary, it sometimes happens that it becomes a real disorder that disrupts weight gain or nutritional balance.
“The eating disorder can appear from the first days of life, the baby sucks the breast or the bottle with difficulty. It is then an organic medical cause that must be identified. More often, the difficulties appear at key stages of learning: passage to less smooth textures, to pieces, in particular. When the situation becomes difficult, do not hesitate to consult “, informs Father Abadie. There are many causes of an eating disorder. They can be organic, such as swallowing abnormalities, neurological, post-traumatic, psycho-behavioural, or even due to severe gastro-oesophageal reflux, milk allergy, prolonged artificial feeding… If your child was operated on within first months of his life, if he was born premature or if he has a disability, the risk of him having this type of difficulty is high, do not hesitate to talk about it for better prevention and management. charge.
Learning about food is first and foremost about having fun
During the consultation, the doctor will, in particular, ask the parents about child’s eating habits and his attitude towards food. This difficulty is often accompanied by sensory or motor function disorders. “Psychomotricity can help the child to discover or rediscover bodily sensations, motor capacities, to reduce hypersensitivities. Speech therapy can help to realize that the mouth is a field of experimentation and sensations, useful for food. »
At home, help your child develop his senses by offering chew toys or sensory balls. With the older ones, play dinette, play dough, but also have him touch different textures, take him to the market to look, smell, touch, taste. Finally, remember, learning about food is first and foremost about having fun. “Let him explore the food with his hands, eat with him and prepare a dish with him that he likes. », advise the pediatrician.
Thanks to our expert, PRE VÉRONIQUE ABADIE, Head of the General Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases Department, Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital AP-HP, Paris.
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