Only one in ten French people plan not to consume alcohol during the evening of December 31. Road Safety and Prevention Insurers encourage vigilance with the #RenterEnVie operation.
Nearly 9 out of 10 French people (88%) plan to drink alcohol on New Year’s Eve, according to a survey unveiled by Road Safety and Prevention Insurers. These two associations call for the greatest vigilance because nearly a third of French people (28.1%) intend to travel by car or on two wheels on New Year’s Eve. Only 12% have decided not to consume a drop of alcohol and one in two French people think they drink 3 or more drinks. According to the study, 25.7% of respondents plan to drink 3 to 4 glasses, 16.8% between 5 and 7 glasses, 8.3% more than 8 glasses.
New Year’s Eve is the time when many French people want to let go completely, which leads to an increase in alcohol consumption. According to the same survey, 42% of those questioned said they generally drink more alcoholic drinks on this occasion than on other evenings in the year.
Nearly half of the French do not know how they will come home from the evening
“For the holidays have fun! But not on the road ”, this is the shock slogan chosen by the two associations Prévention Routière and Assureurs Prévention, in order to remind people of the dangers of drinking and driving. Indeed, alcohol remains the leading cause of road accidents: with 1130 fatalities, alcohol was involved in nearly one in three fatal accidents (30.9%) in 2012 (source ONISR).
The two associations strongly recommend that you plan your return after having celebrated New Year’s Eve, whether by designating a driver who will not drink and can drive home (the famous ‘Sam’), by finding out about the means public transport, by booking a taxi in advance or by sleeping on site. However, according to the same survey, “half (43.2%) of the people concerned by the alcohol / driving problem did not take any particular measures concerning their return from the evening or that of their guests. »Road Prevention and Prevention Insurers have launched the operation #RentEnVie, which allows everyone to declare on Twitter how they plan to return from the evening, so that they can have fun without endangering their life or that of others.
The survey conducted for the Prévention Routière and Insureurs Prévention associations from December 2 to 9, 2013. 1206 drivers aged 18 to 64 were questioned about their intention to celebrate New Year’s Eve, their alcohol consumption and their management of trips to this occasion.