Try different pillows
Do you have back or neck complaints? Do you sleep badly? Maybe it’s time for another pillow. Some people take a pillow for years, but often a pillow needs to be replaced after three to five years. Are you going to buy a pillow? We have listed a number of tips for you that you should pay attention to when purchasing a new pillow.
1. Try out the pillow
It is best to try a few pillows in the store. In specialist shops, sellers can often advise you on the type of pillow that suits you best. In the store, lie down in your usual sleeping position and try them on. Have you found a pillow that you like to lie on? Ask if you can take a test pillow home so you can try it out for a few nights.
2. Hard or soft mattress?
the louder the mattress, the higher/thicker the pillow should be for good head support. Someone who sleeps on their back needs a higher pillow than someone who sleeps on their side. Do you sleep on your stomach? Stomach sleepers should purchase a thin pillow for good breathing.
3. Material
Cushions made of different materials are available for sale: viscoelastic foam, down and feathers and synthetic. An advantage of a pillow made of down and feathers is that it is easily mouldable. Synthetic cushions are less formable and foldable. A viscoelastic pillow warms and molds to the body.
4. Anti-allergic
Are you allergic? Make sure that you buy a pillow that is especially suitable for people with allergies. There are also special covers available that you can put around your pillow.
5. Sweating
Everyone sweats at night, some faster than others. For these people, a viscoelastic pillow is less pleasant. With this pillow, the moisture development is higher than with pillows made of other materials.
6. Washable
Research has shown that pillows are ideal breeding grounds for bacteria. A third of the weight of your pillow could be dead skin cells, insects, dust mites and their droppings. When purchasing a pillow, make sure that it is easily washable.
7. Smell
And finally, you might not immediately think of it, but also pay attention to the smell of a pillow. The smell of a pillow should immediately appeal to you. Do you think the smell is bad? Then choose a different pillow.