Pto fight fat subcutaneous and the fats vicarious, there are many medical publications that widely question carbohydrate intake and what was once presented as an absolute dogma: providing 50% of energy in the form of carbohydrates. Let’s go back to the basic principles to succeed in losing weight.
We can observe that the fastest diets are those that are low in carbohydrates, while providing a minimum of fat, of course. But we all want lose weight fast by eliminating the subcutaneous fat Firstly. For a simple reason, it is that making an effort over a very long period of time is exhausting. And that leads most of the time to failure, with great frustration as a result.
Eliminate subcutaneous and visceral fat
Body fat plays an important role in our physiology. The fat cells that constitute it store the glucose taken from the blood in the form of lipids, which can then be used as fuel by our body.
Body shape is influenced by where fat is stored. People with “apple-shaped” faces store more fat around the waist. They are likely to store more fat, and deeper. This surrounds their organs: we then speak of visceral fat.
Conversely, people who have a “pear-shaped” physiognomy have wider hips and thighs, and store fat more evenly around their body, under the skin: we speak of subcutaneous fats.
Visceral fat (when fat accumulates in a “buoy” around the waist) is considered more insulin resistant. Its presence therefore implies a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. It also releases more blood triglycerides, which is equivalent to a greater risk of cardiovascular disease.
Experts who have conducted comparative studies on the two forms of fat consider visceral fat to be more harmful than subcutaneous fat.
Losing weight and losing fat is not only an aesthetic question, it is first and foremost a health approach.
The 6 basic principles for success
The plan proposed in this article allows you to eat what you like the most, namely sauces, while aiming for rapid weight loss. Ignore the criticisms aimed at the non-academicism of this regime.
It is very important to have periods of life where we are not overweight. The benefit that we derive from it is surely greater than the micro-deficiencies that can occur (but which also occur just as much in people who are not on a diet), especially since the short duration of this regime does not allow these deficiencies to be very pronounced or to become permanent.
1- Significantly lower carbs : it is not a question of eliminating them completely, because a minimum is needed every day to ensure the muscular needs. This decrease will necessarily reduce the body’s reserves, but I accept it, because the priority is to lose weight.
2- Increase protein intake: There are two reasons for this choice: on the one hand the caloric value of proteins is low, on the other hand their satiating is high. We are therefore going to do it twice by increasing the feeling of satiety with foods that have a low caloric value. The rule will be to consume only the protein most skinny.
Indeed, some proteins contain a lot of poor quality fats and it is preferable to choose, for lipid intake, those that contain the best fatty acidsthat is to say omega-3 and omega-6. You can therefore accompany your meat, fish and vegetables with sauceprovided they are prepared with “good” fats.
3- Starches: We opt for starchy foods with a low glycemic index. We favor legumes in order to benefit from their fibers.
4- No sweetener: To delete them? For some time it has been understood that excessive intake of sweeteners could not only stimulate the taste for sweet products, but also for other products.
In other words, our tricked brain by the consumption of a sweetener would not feel satiety and would then be attracted by other products like fats or proteins. That is why it is better to remove them.
It is not very difficult to take coffee without sugar, It’s just a quesiton of habit. It’s also not difficult to replace diet sodas with sparkling or still water. After all, cutting out certain ingredients is part of the diet. When you go on a diet, you have to do some sacrifice!
5- No light product: No more dairy products with 0% fat or reduced sugar. We must agree to consume fat, but only good fats. And also to take into account the fact that the taste, therefore the pleasure, counts a lot in the success of a diet. So you will choose dairy products normal, which you will eat naturewithout sweetening them.
6- Three meals a day: Regarding the distribution of food, keep the standard model in the menus: breakfast, lunch and dinner. But you can spread out these three meals however you like, shifting breakfast to mid-morning or indulging in a snack in the afternoon.
The food rhythm is often social, yours may depend on factors other than those imposed by community life.
Respect the quantities and keep patience
The important thing is to respect the daily quantities indicated in the menus. Without increasing them, of course, but without decreasing them either. The subcutaneous fat will leave first, it will be harder for the visceral fat, hence the importance of maintaining pleasure to ward off failure.
For those who want a very fast weight loss, there are very fast weight loss systems, because very often we want to lose weight quickly to feel stimulated and stay motivated. This can be important at the beginning to motivate yourself, then you have to find the rhythm of cruising.
And when there is a slowdown in weight loss, you have to be able to resort to a shock (in other words a detox fast) to restart weight loss and not get discouraged.
Wanting to lose weight quickly is a psychological approach of the regime. Losing weight is an added motivator, so let’s embrace it.
Keeping motivation strong is essential. During a diet there are ups and downs and that is why the support is very important. Being followed, advised and accompanied is also a guarantee of success!