Boost your metabolism
A lot of people go running because they want to lose weight, because running is known to burn a lot of calories. But of course you can only exercise if you really enjoy it. Not a running fan? Did you know that there are plenty of other workouts that can burn more calories than running?
Of course, how many calories you burn will depend on your metabolism, your age and how heavy you are. Some people have a faster metabolism and tall people expend more energy when exercising than light people.
You can calculate it for yourself by multiplying your speed by your weight. So suppose you run 10 kilometers per hour and you weigh 75 kilograms then you consume about 10 (kcal per hour per weight) x 75 (your weight) = 750 kcal per hour.
1. Rowing
Rowing is an intensive workout that not only uses your legs, but also your core and arms and burns a lot of calories. from a study from Harvard University turns out that a man weighing 92 kilos can burn 400 kilocalories in half an hour with vigorous rowing. This makes rowing a perfect workout for the whole body.
2. Battle Ropes
Another powerful workout is training with so-called Battle Ropes. uh…what? So ropes. Battle Ropes are sturdy, thick ropes that are quite heavy. By moving this wave back and forth, for example when sitting around a tree, you train abs, arms and shoulders. Anyone who has ever done it knows that you certainly won’t last half an hour. But it is a great exercise to combine with other workouts, because you burn about ten kilocalories per minute with it.
3. Squash
A game of squash is also a strenuous activity that gives your metabolism a nice boost. It is a fast and effective method of weight management. Playing squash for half an hour will burn a person weighing 75 kilos about 450 kilocalories.
4. Cycling
Are you more of a cyclist than a runner? Then cycling might be something for you. Research has shown that you can burn a lot of fat, especially with interval sessions. During interval training you cycle faster parts that you alternate with quiet cycling.
5. Burpee
Not a fun exercise, but an effective one: the burpee. It’s a jump, squat, plank and push-up all in one. Incredibly heavy and great for your stamina. With the burpee you would burn about 12 calories per minute. The longer you do it, the more calories you will burn. Make sure you perform the burpee correctly.