1. A back without sore
Staying twenty-four hours a day in bed is enough to wake up pain! To protect your back, keep your pelvis tilted forward, and your spine as straight as possible. Flat on your back: put a cushion under
buttocks. On the side: slip one between the knees and one under the stomach. Better: invest now in a breastfeeding pillow, which you can slip under the kidneys or under the belly.
2. Light legs
Good news: your legs will swell up a lot less than if you stomped all the time. It remains to optimize this asset by raising them and doing some exercises. Twice a day, remember to raise one leg then the other vertically, and rotate your ankles.
3. Restful sleep
Sleeping is tempting when you spend most of your time lying down and the hormones of pregnancy encourage you to do so. A little nap here and there and, at 11 o’clock in the evening, impossible to sleep. Also, fight against falling asleep during the day by changing activity, making a phone call or surfing on your favorite health site!
4. Balanced meals
Without physical activity at all, we burn very few calories. Be extra vigilant to stay on course for slimming. Avoid snacking. Fruits rather than sweets, starchy foods once a day, plenty of vegetables and water: that’s the secret!
5. A schedule against boredom
To enjoy it without getting bored: order everything you need on the Internet, set up a play schedule, swap DVDs with girlfriends (it’s time to make yourself the complete Desperate housewives!), Organize dinners at home … You get a taste for it very quickly! Finally, tell yourself that you are not wasting your time preserving your baby: an extended day is always a day saved for the maturation of your baby.