A limiting belief is a state of mind or belief about yourself that is holding you back in some way. These beliefs are often misconceptions you have about yourself that can lead to a number of negative consequences. I suggest 4 steps for you exceed…
Limiting beliefs come from a feeling of fear that everyone experiences at one time or another. The solution is to learn to identify those negative thoughts and to fight against them so that they do not prevent you from developing your potential and your projects.
For example, if you have to speak in public, you’re going to have a meltdown. stress thinking it’s going to go wrong because you feel uncomfortable speaking. These thoughts correspond to preconceptions you have about yourself and your ability to express yourself. They are a limit to your possibilities. But don’t worry, we’ll help you overcome them.
20 Examples of Limiting Beliefs
- I am unable to speak in public.
- I am not able to manage this project.
- This kind of thing only happens to me.
- I don’t have the level to get a promotion.
- I can’t have it all.
- I don’t know how to lead a team because I lack self-confidence.
- I don’t know how to say no.
- I’m too old to learn that (or to change careers).
- She’ll never love me because I’m not pretty enough.
- I will be happy the day I earn 3000 euros.
- I don’t have enough time to devote myself to my personal development.
- Others will find me stupid if I ask this question.
- I have no room for error.
- I don’t know how to organize myself to manage my time.
- I can’t sing (or draw).
- I don’t have enough experience to apply.
- It’s too good to be true, there must be a scam.
- I will never succeed in this area.
- I don’t have enough money to really enjoy life.
- I will never be one of the best.
Where do your beliefs come from?
Limiting beliefs can be explained by several factors, but they all have a common origin: will of the brain to spare us possible pain. These triggers include fear, impostor syndrome, and past experiences.
Generally, limiting beliefs appear at an early age and then gradually evolve throughout life. That you have lived a painful event that made you fear having a similar moment again or that you are afraid of what awaits you, limiting beliefs can prevent the formation of new positive thoughts.
Identifying the cause of your limiting beliefs is a great way to understand the thinking process that generates them and begin to overcome them. Fortunately, there are techniques to put in place to mitigate or overcome them.
4 steps to overcome your limiting beliefs
While being able to identify your limiting beliefs can help you correct them in the moment, learning to overcome them will take time and practice. Here is the procedure, in 4 steps, that I suggest to you…
1. Write your beliefs black on white
The first step to overcoming your limiting beliefs is to identify them. writing down these thoughts On paperyou will be able to more easily sort between fiction and reality, and realize how false they are.
This will increase your self-confidence and help relieve stress that you associate with a particular belief. You can also ask yourself if these thoughts will have an impact in the next 10 minutes. If not, put your negative thoughts aside
2. Ask yourself if your thoughts are true
It can be useful to check whether your beliefs come from a reliable source or if they are the fruit of your imagination. Analyzing your limiting beliefs can help you see them for what they really are.
The next time you have a negative belief, pause and concentrate on this thought. Ask yourself if it is really limiting and if it is based on objective evidence. The goal is to distinguish the real facts from the ideas you have. You will see that often your thinking comes from fear of the unknown, uncertainty or past experience.
3. Create your own positive affirmations
To get rid of limiting beliefs, a good way is to use positive affirmations. These are phrases that you will repeat to yourself to boost your confidence. Yes, it’s a bit like the Coué method…
It’s about turning your limiting beliefs into positive beliefs. For example, if you tell yourself you’re not worthy of a raise, rephrase that belief by telling yourself that you work hard and deserve a reward. You will find that you can eliminate any negative thought making it positive. Saying these positive thoughts out loud to yourself (or even other people you trust) can help reinforce the belief in question.
An example of reformulating a limiting belief into a positive affirmation would be ” I can’t complete this project » which would become « I have the necessary skills to succeed in what I undertake “. Look at the challenges that arise From another angle. Train your mind to see the positive everyday instead of focusing on what worries you.
4. Don’t give up and stay the course
Don’t give up on these limiting beliefs. Tell yourself that everyone has or had, starting with the people you admire. So you have to persevere to dislodge them
The important thing is to persevere to overcome the limiting belief and not allow it to make you doubt. So, when a limiting thought crosses your mind and slows down your intentions, always take a few minutes to push it away. Sometimes all it takes is a little breathing exercise, like 3 short minutes of cardiac coherenceto come to your senses.
Your ultimate goal is not to completely eliminate your limiting beliefs, but rather to learn how to overcome them. Of course, by changing your point of view to focus on the positiveyou will change your life.