Even when our opinions and our interests diverge, the quest for happiness is an aspiration that we all share. Some of us have a predisposition for happiness, others need support and social contact. Here are 10 keys to happiness to love life even more.
Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t love to know the secrets of a happy and fulfilled existence? That’s good because a few daily practices and good lifestyle habits are likely to develop our happiness capital.
Among them, some will seem obvious to you, and others much less. Here are the keys to happiness that you can build on today.
1. Appreciate what life has to offer
People who have survived tragic accidents or gone through difficult times often have a fresh outlook on life. They thought they lost everything and finally managed to get out of it. They are now much more positive, attentive to detail and, they admit it without shame, they profit more of life.
If we are in good health, if we have good relationships with those close to us and if we enjoy our work, we must feel lucky and privileged. We must learn to enjoy every moment and to savor every moment.
2. Believe in yourself
Stop seeking approval from others and trust your beliefs. Because we need love or for fear of rejection we all want to please others and satisfy them.
Work on the self-confidence requires patience and self-indulgence, but when it is achieved it becomes a colossal resource for seeing life in a meaningful way. positive.
3. Free yourself from the past
Alas, we cannot change anything in our past, even if it was punctuated with sad or regrettable events. Ruminating on our thoughts shouldn’t stop us from live with serenity.
Looking to the past, rather than the future, is one of the major obstacles to happiness! You can’t be comfortable with the world without being good with yourself. A good knowledge of oneself tends to simplify the perception of life. Rather than overthinking, trust your primary instincts… The body and the brain usually point the best way forward.
We cannot know what the future holds. By living the present moment to the fullest and by doing everything we can do on a daily basis, we give ourselves the means tofully appreciate the riches of life.
4. Use your talents
When it is sincere and well controlled, the ambition to succeed is extremely positive, because the sense of accomplishment is able to bring a lot of personal satisfaction and, why not admit it, a certain well-placed pride. So harness your personal talents and be creative : you will give yourself a gift and you will have something (which looks like you) to share with others.
5. Forgiveness is one of the keys to happiness
Learning to forgive is an act that frees us from negative emotions who come to “spoil” our life. Of course, you are not asked to validate bad or immoral acts, but just to try to understand them.
All the energy you devote to nourishing your resentment towards those who have hurt you is a real poison for your mind, but also for your body. It’s a source of stress formidable and deleterious. Knowing how to forgive is admitting that we all have weaknesses and that we are all human.
6. Always treat others with kindness…
We can always improve our relationships with those around us, family members and friends. We need to accept these people for who they are, appreciating their qualities rather than emphasizing the character traits that we don’t appreciate in them.
Listening to others and give them support is a very rewarding action. This is undoubtedly one of the keys to happiness, provided, of course, that you know how to protect yourself …
7. Protect yourself!
From the moment we seek to serve others, it is advisable to stay on guard and not to go overboard in empathy. On a personal level, you need to know how to protect yourself against the possible negativity of people in distress.
This is often the case with caregivers and humanitarians who are exposed to this type of situation. If they do not preserve themselves, they can inherit negative emotions and the frustrations of those they seek to help. The consequences can go as far as phases of depression.
Empathize and listen to others but accept the principle that their problems belong to them : it’s up to them (and not you!) to face them.
8. Be generous
If you are looking for the keys to happiness, an effective way to find them is to be generous. Give your time, your attention, your support or your affection, but do it without expecting anything in return. You have to keep the feeling that it corresponds to your core values. Generosity, when sincere, brings immense satisfaction.
This text is taken from the book My Little Happiness that you can receive for free.
Click here to download it for free
Many volunteers say they are happy to bring happiness to others. Some health professionals even argue that turning more to others may ward off depression. When we offer our time or attention to others, we think less about our own concerns and we give meaning to our existence.
9. Appeal to others
In their search for the keys to happiness, some people go to great lengths to adopt a positive outlook in life. They engage with others, engage in physical and social activities, try out meditation or relaxation, and even learn to better manage their stress and emotions. Yet they fail to sustainably transform their quality of life. They are not happy …
If this is your case, you should not hesitate to seek support and to call on outside workers, such as psychotherapists, health or wellness professionals, or life coaches.
10. Laugh is one of the keys to happiness
The stress that pervades our hyperactive lives does not give us enough opportunities to laugh frankly. However, you are no doubt familiar with the results of studies conducted on the benefits of laughter. Research has long shown the anti-stress effects of laughter and his interest in chasing away dark ideas.
Unlike anxiety, which increases the heart rate, laughter triggers respiratory mechanisms that facilitate oxygenation of the blood. When we are stressed, our muscles are tense. A sincere and prolonged laughter provokes muscle relaxation on the whole body. Some researchers have even compared giggles to ten minutes of relaxation!
If you are looking for the keys to happiness, you have found ten. But keep in mind that being happy depends a lot on you and your reading grid of life. Being positive is above all a question of attitude.
This text is taken from the book My Little Happiness that you can receive for free.
Click here to download it for free