Pregnant women infected with Zika will benefit from additional ultrasounds, which are fully paid for, in order to monitor the healthy development of the fetus.
The risk of microcephaly associated with Zika virus is taken seriously. Even though the World Health Organization (WHO) is showing caution and still refuses to establish a link, France is implementing measures intended for pregnant women.
Guest of the private radio station Radio Caraibes International, the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine announced the 100% coverage of the additional ultrasounds that will be requested from parturients infected with the virus.
Marisol Touraine ends 5 days of travel in the West Indies with this major measure. Pregnant women “will be able to benefit from additional ultrasounds which will be covered 100% by Social Security and without advance payment,” she said.
This medical examination makes it possible to detect microcephaly, a congenital malformation which manifests itself by an underdevelopment of the cranial box, in the fetus. Residents of areas that have passed the epidemic threshold (Martinique, Guyana) or are about to do so (Guadeloupe) will be concerned. The minister did not specify whether the measure would also be in force for cases imported into mainland France. The National Institute for Public Health Surveillance (InVS) recently indicated that since the beginning of January, 5 pregnant women had returned to France after a trip, infected with the Zika virus.
Help at the Pointe-à-Pitre University Hospital
The link between microcephaly and Zika virus remains to be demonstrated, however, even if studies are starting to raise doubts on the subject. According to the WHO, it will take several months to collect solid data.
The Minister of Health has also released 20 million euros in additional aid to the Pointe-à-Pitre University Hospital, a regional reference center which is the subject of great tension. Faced with serious financial difficulties, the structure was recently pinned down by a report from the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas).
Pregnant women infected with #Zika will benefit from additional ultrasounds fully covered, in order to monitor the good evolution of the fetus …
Posted by Why doctor on Thursday, February 25, 2016