Since 2004, medical students have taken the national classifying examinations (ECN) to access the third cycle of medical studies. Depending on their ranking in these tests, they choose an intern post from a list drawn up by the ministers of health and higher education.
In 2014, 7,860 students were assigned to an internship position, as has just been shown the statistics of the Drees (Department of research, studies, evaluation and statistics). Of the open positions, 96% were filled, only 330 positions remained vacant. In particular, general medicine filled 94% of its positions, which is barely less than in 2013.
Ophthalmology: a profitable specialty
No surprises in the list of the most popular specialties of these interns since, like last year, it is thewinning ophthalmology. The other preferred specialties are radiology, dermatology, cardiology and gastroenterology (practiced in private practice) but also otolaryngology, nephrology and internal medicine, more practiced in the hospital.
It is true that ophthalmology is one of the most profitable specialties for young doctors, if we are to believe INSEE figures published at the beginning of the year. The comparison of incomes indeed shows that the incomes of young doctors are often lower than those of their elders with the exception of gynecologists and ophthalmologists. The latter earn on average 20% more than all specialist physicians, due in particular to the very strong increase in the number of technical acts performed by the younger generation.
Among the less popular specialties we find, like last year, psychiatry, medical biology, occupational medicine and general medicine.
Read also :
Ophthalmologist: two months waiting to consult
The ophthalmos shortage resolved within 10 years