What is yerba mate?
the yerba mate is known and consumed by the indigenous populations of theArgentinaof Brazil and Paraguay for thousands of years. On the other hand, it was only in the XVIe century that yerba mate made its appearance in Europe. Nicknamed the “Jesuit tea” – in reference to the Jesuits who spread its use, it has since been cultivated in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile.
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) takes its common name “mate” from the Quechua “mati”, which designates the calabash in which the drink is prepared. Mate can be eaten cold (“Terere“), but it is more generally eaten hot: it is prepared in a calabash and drunk with a “bombilla”, a kind of straw.
What are the benefits of yerba mate?
Daily consumption of this drink offers many health benefits, here are 9 of its virtues:
- Cardiovascular: mate ensures better blood circulation and a better supply of nutrients and oxygen, especially for people suffering from hypertension.
- Antioxidant: the grass of mate contains 90% more antioxidants than green tea, this is due to the presence of polyphenols which strengthen the body’s natural defenses and fight against cellular ageing.
- The nervous system : thanks to a moderate amount of caffeine, it allows stimulation of brain activity. He activate memory, mood and alertness. It makes you more responsive stimulating neurotransmitter production dopamine.
- Digestion: dFor a long time, yerba mate has been considered an effective remedy for stopping constipation, diarrhea and improving digestion. The saponin found in these plant compounds indeed helps to destroy intestinal parasites.
- Detox : it is an infusion diuretic and depurative, mate prevents the possibility of gaining weight through water retention and promotes the rapid elimination of toxins. Mate can be counted among green detox foods to consume as much as possible.
- Natural antidepressant: Imate stimulates the central nervous system, chases away physical and mental fatigue. It also boosts short-term cognitive abilities (memorization and learning in particular).
- Promotes weight loss: this drink diuretic also reduces appetite because it acts as an appetite suppressant. Thus, mate reduces the desire to snack between meals and this increases our energy expenditure, promotes insulin sensitivity and helps burn stored fat.
- Blood sugar: it can help lower blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes, le glucose and lipid levels. LClinical studies show that daily consumption of yerba mate reduces cholesterol levels and improves the balance between good and bad cholesterol.
- Immune system : it contains small amounts of vitamins Cof vitamins Eof selenium and of zinc. These antioxidants can boost the immune system and help you stay healthy.
Rich in phenolic components, mate seems to demonstrate a certain efficiency To fight against the cancer, in particular to prevent the proliferation of carcinogenic oral cells. On the other hand, if it is supposed to relieve rheumatic pain, this has not, to date, been scientifically validated.
How to consume yerba mate?
The mate offered for sale consists of 3 elements distinct: the sheets (which can be more or less refined), the stemswhich sweeten the taste, and the powder, which brings texture to the drink. As with tea, it is prepared by infusing yerba mate. Lhe traditional way of preparing this hot drink is in rfill a calabash with mate leaves up to two-thirds, then you have to insert the bombilla (kind of filtering straw, usually metal, made to drink mate) in the calabash and finally, addHot water(the water temperature must be between 70 and 80°C.) to the brim and steep the leaves for a minute or two before drinking. You can reinfuse this same yerba a dozen times!
Yerba mate is also available in the form of soluble powders or of sachets to infuse. The dose classic daily newspaper is 4 cups.
In South America, yerba mate is eaten very hot: more than 65°C. This very high temperature is however not recommendedbecause in the long run, it is likely to promote esophageal cancer.
What are the contraindications of yerba mate?
Yerba mate containing caffeine, its stimulating effects are added to those of the drinks and foods that contain it. Its consumption is also contraindicated with many medications. It is to be avoided if you are taking alendronate, painkillers, antacids, blood thinners, antiplatelets, tranquilizers, clozapine or sedatives.
Mate is prized for its appetite suppressant effect. Supposed to promote weight loss, the association mate / ephedra is to be avoidedas it can cause side effects ranging from fainting to cardiac arrest.
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