The medical interns in Marseille have decided to file a complaint against the Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille. In question, the non respect of the working time fixed at 48 hours maximum.
Future doctors are angry. The Autonomous Syndicate of Interns of Hospitals of Marseille (SAIHM) announced on Monday that it had lodged a complaint with the Administrative Tribunal against Public Assistance – Hospitals of Marseille (AP-HM).
The grievance of this legal action: the non-compliance by these health establishments with the legislation on the working time of interns (48 hours maximum according to the decree of February 26, 2015). The union writes that “despite a good start with the development of effective software from October 2015, work is stalling and concrete measures are delayed”.
For example, he warns that the promises to disseminate the IT tool in November 2016 have not been kept. Faced with this observation, the SAIHM therefore decided to put the AP-HM on notice, on January 16, so that the latter sets up the regulatory rosters. But without success.
However, these tables make it possible to quantify the work of interns per half-day in order to assess the needs of each department. And it is a masterstroke that the interns have played. Because since then, things seem to be moving at the AP-HM.
Expected advances
The SAIHM informs that after a meeting with these future doctors, the new director general of the ARS PACA would have become aware of the discomfort of the interns. Ditto for president of the medical establishment commission of the AP-HM, according to the union. The two are now committed to bringing themselves into compliance with the legislation. While waiting to see the test transformed, the SAIHM recalls that it brings together more than 1,600 interns. So as not to let the pressure fall on the backs of the local health authorities.
According to the Union of Interns of Hospitals of Paris (SIHP), more than a third of interns are in burnout. Overwork that pushes them to make mistakes. In 2012 working time survey, the InterSyndicat National des Internes (ISNI) revealed that 15% of students had made medical errors in prescriptions, diagnoses or operative acts the day after their call.