Like the male condom, Femidom® is a means of contraception and protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It comes in the form of a 17 cm long sheath lubricated inside and outside. Equipped with a ring at each end, it lines the vaginal wall. The larger, open ring is positioned outside the vagina to cover the external genitalia.
Get into a comfortable position – lying down, sitting on the edge of your bed, squatting, or standing with your foot on a chair. Then open the pouch, taking care not to damage the condom. Squeeze the inner ring, the closed one, between your thumb and forefinger to form an “8” then, without releasing it, insert it deep into the vagina, as far as possible. Then insert your index finger inside the condom and push on the inner ring. The other ring should stay outside the vagina. After the report, it is not necessary to withdraw it immediately. To remove it, twist the outer ring several times to close it securely and slowly pull on it. After having tied it, put it back in its pouch and throw it in the trash.
To remember
Simultaneous use of a female condom and a male condom is not recommended.
During sex, make sure the condom stays in place. During penetration, also make sure that your partner fits well in the condom and not beside it, even if it means guiding it.
Each time you have sex, use a different condom.
Femidom® has the same contraceptive efficacy as the male condom.
This is additional protection available to women, essential if the partner does not want to use a condom.
It is resistant and hypoallergenic.
It can be placed up to 8 hours before intercourse.
Your partner doesn’t have to pull out right after ejaculating. He may also prefer this method if he generally experiences discomfort – a feeling of having the penis too tight – with the male condom.
The inconvenients
It is a little more expensive than the male condom.
You may find it difficult to place Femidom® correctly at the start. As with the male condom, we therefore recommend doing a few tests alone before experimenting with two.
With the first generation of female condoms (Female condom 1 or FC1), some couples could be bothered by the noise induced by friction. This is no longer the case with the second generation of Femidom® (FC2) in nitrile and no longer in polyurethane. FC2 has been on the market since 2007. It will eventually replace FC1.
To know more
A few months ago, the Sida info service association published an Internet site exclusively dedicated to the female condom, its instructions for use, its effectiveness, its advantages:
Otherwise, you can consult the Rouen University Hospital Center website ( Go directly to the Your health section. Or browse the website of the French Association for Contraception (