These two brands are in the sights of the Medicines Agency. IUDs inserted before 2019 present a risk of spontaneous expulsion. 40,000 women in France are invited to have them removed for prevention.
It is above all a precautionary measure. According to the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM), relayed by AFP, the IUDs of the Ancora and Novaplus brands entail the risk of spontaneous expulsions, that is to say they can become detached from the uterus, whether or not causing pregnancy.
The marketing of these IUDs has already been suspended since November 2019. However, the ANSM recommendation would concern a maximum of 40,000 French women.
Severe cases require immediate withdrawal
This “precautionary measure“, without urgency, is “to be expected during the next consultation with a gynecologist”, his general practitioner or his midwife, told AFP, Thierry Thomas, deputy director of the ANSM in charge of medical devices. However, the ANSM published in a press release a list of “Evocative signs »Where it is necessary to consult a professional as soon as possible if you suspect a spontaneous eviction.
Here is the list :
- IUD pulling wire missing or longer than expected
- Abdominal pain
- Bleeding between periods or after sex
- Pain during intercourse