December 14, 2016.
The district court of Grasse, in the Alpes-Maritimes, authorized a couple to keep the stem cells present in the umbilical cord of their baby, in case the latter contracted a serious illness later.
A first in France
The blood present in the umbilical cord contains stem cells which produce all the cells present in the blood (red and white blood cells, platelets, plasma). These cells are therefore valuable because they can treat certain serious diseases, such as leukemia.. Cord blood donation is permitted by law, but it must be anonymous and free.
Notwithstanding, the law of July 2011 on bioethics provides that “ the donation can be dedicated to the child born or to the brothers or sisters of this child in the event of proven therapeutic need and duly justified during the removal “. But, for the first time in France, a court allowed a couple to keep their own child’s umbilical cord. in case he has to suffer from a serious illness during his life. That is to say by anticipation.
Stem cells to regenerate an organ
” Stem cells can be used to regenerate an organ “, Said the mother at RTL’s microphone. “ It may be a future gift that I give to my child, to be able to heal himself tomorrow thanks to that. I wish I had done it. Even if tomorrow it doesn’t work “.
If this woman succeeded in obtaining this authorization, it is because her father and grandmother both developed cancer.. ” There are several cases of serious illnesses in the family, including cancer of the pancreas or the liver. The father himself is seriously ill “, Explained on RTL, Me Emmanuel Ludot, the lawyer of this couple.
In France, it is not possible to store your child’s cord blood for treatment. This is why a specialized and private British company will take care of loading the cord and freezing it. Already voices are being heard to denounce the ethical abuses of such a market.
Read also: Stem cells to heal the heart