December 17, 2016
Men are proud or embarrassed about it. In the womb of their mother, child, adult or old man, the erection during sleep or in the morning is uncontrollable. How it works ?
Spontaneous exchanges with the brain
Scientifically, it is called penile tumescence nocturnal. The erection takes place in the phase of so-called “light” sleep. The one we dream of. All men, except those with certain health problems, know these erections three to five times a night, lasting between 15 and 40 minutes.
When the parasympathetic nervous system takes over the sympathetic nervous system, this stops the release of norepinephrine and allows the release of testosterone. ” This change in balance results in spontaneous parasympathetic nerve response that results in erection », Explains the site iflscience.com
And in the morning, what happens?
Morning erections are very common. Without a doubt because we often wake up in REM sleep, light. We also know thata full bladder can cause an erection, since the latter is terminated as soon as the bladder is empty. as a signal, when the bladder is full, it stimulates the nerves located in the spine. These react by directly triggering an erection.
The number and duration of nocturnal and morning erections are not not necessarily an indicator of good or poor sexual health. On the other hand, the total absence of this phenomenon is often a clue to detect a common disease affecting erectile function, such as diabetes or, more seriously, mental health problems and severe depression.
For more information: Diabetes and sexuality in men and women