I have a very bad habit, because I don’t like any vegetables. I’ve tried everything, but it doesn’t work. I also live a healthy life: I don’t smoke, I just exercise, I’m not overweight and I do eat fruit regularly.
Of course nothing can replace real vegetables, but I still wonder which vitamin pills I can best take to come close. An acquaintance gave the advice to take fish oil and a multivitamin. What’s best?
Suzan Tuinier, nutritionist
In addition to vitamins and minerals, vegetables also contain other substances. It is therefore preferable to eat vegetables. Try to vary. For example, make a soup, or roast vegetables in the oven. There are many options besides cooked vegetables.
If you eat fish 1 to 2 times a week, it is not necessary to take fish oil. You can also opt for a multivitamin. Then take a normal dose (100 percent to 300 percent RDA, it says on the label). This way you can be sure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals.
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