Do the test
There are a lot of different glasses. With the short test below you can quickly determine what is best for your eyes.
1. How active are you?
a. I am quite active. I like walking and taking trips.
b. Very active. I am usually quite busy and I exercise regularly.
c. Not so active. I prefer a good book or an evening in front of the TV.
2. Do you drive a car?
a. Yes, I’m always on the go.
b. Yes, but mainly for shopping and visiting.
c. New.
3. Are you happy with glasses?
a. Yes, you can choose from so many different frames and colors these days.
b. No, glasses don’t suit me and I find it uncomfortable.
c. I do not care.
4. Do you think it is important to change glasses regularly and to keep up with fashion?
a. Yes, I like to go with the latest fashion.
b. No, I only wear glasses once in a while, so that’s not an issue for me.
c. No, I wear the same glasses for years.
5. Do people notice your glasses?
a. Yes, for me glasses are a fashion accessory.
b. Yes, but I’d rather they didn’t see it.
c. New.
6. Have you ever tried contact lenses?
a. Yes, I tried them but I couldn’t handle them.
b. Yes, but my eyesight has changed and I need both near and far correction.
c. No, I think it’s too much hassle.
What did you answer the most?
Most of a
You want to see sharply and comfortably, but you also want to look good at the same time. You like to wear glasses, especially now that there is a wide choice of modern, affordable frames that are made of various materials and come in different models and colors.
Try varifocal glasses. The near and far powers blend invisibly in progressive lenses, so that no dividing line is visible, which is the case with bifocals. So no one sees it. And varifocal glasses are also perfect while driving.
Mostly b
You lead an active life and may participate in one or more sports. You want to stay active and sometimes find glasses a nuisance.
You don’t have to wear glasses. Try one of these options:
- Varifocal contact lenses: available as monthly lenses. With these lenses you can see sharply and comfortably, at any distance.
- Monovision: You wear a far contact lens in one eye and a near lens in the other eye. They may take some getting used to and they are not for everyone, but many people swear by them.
- Reading Glasses: You can wear contact lenses for distance and glasses only for reading.
Most c
You are just happy with glasses as long as you can see clearly. After all, that’s what glasses are meant for! You want the glasses to look good, but you are not obsessed with the latest fashion trends.
Try one of the following options:
- Bifocals: These consist of two segments: one for near and one for far. So you can see clearly at any distance with the same glasses.
- Varifocal lenses: like bifocal lenses, but without dividing lines.
- Two glasses: one for distance and one for near. Many people are satisfied with this option.