If everyone has a few contrary examples around them, stop smoking alone, without any outside help, remains very complicated. Tobacconists are therefore there to support you in your withdrawal, but you can also rely today on their digital extensions: applications for smartphones. “Several studies, notably available on the Cochrane libraryshowed that these applications were effective”, explains Olivier Smadja, who contributed to the development of the Tobacco Info Service application.
On the occasion of Month without tobacco, it is still necessary to choose the good one, all these applications (more and more numerous) not being equivalent. “First, I would advise people to take a good look at who is the publisher of the app. This helps to ensure the quality and seriousness of the content that is offered. It is better to favor public publishers who are specialized on the subject… And when it is, sometimes, a video game publisher, one can wonder if it is indeed its core business.The Tobacco Info Service application, for example, is published by the Health Insurance. Which is not, let’s face it, the same.
Don’t want to spend hours looking for the right tool? Nothing more normal. Here are three examples of applications to test first.
Between experience points to accumulate to unlock levels and indicators on the progress made (money saved, cigarettes not smoked, life expectancy gained), the French Kwit application transforms quitting smoking into a real game… which does not detract from its seriousness. “It is effective, well referenced on stores and carried by researchers”, approves Olivier Smadja.
Stop Tobacco is a digital coach. Its principle? Rely on the difficulties encountered during weaning (and listed in the app) to provide you with personalized advice. All while inviting you to exchange with other members of its “tribe” of users and allowing you, like Kwit, to unlock various successes during withdrawal. “Here too, we are talking about a serious application, which works. It is also supported by the University of Geneva”, adds the expert.
The application of the French Health and Public Health Insurance is based on different aspects, ranging from preparation for quitting without a specific objective to managing difficult situations during withdrawal. “It adapts to smokers and allows them to control their journey. But it also offers many activities, such as quizzes or games, because we know that the more interactions with the application, the more it is effective.”
The other advantage of the tool? It relies on the ecosystem Tobacco Info Service : “So it’s not just an algorithm. There are real people behind it. In this case tobacco specialists who can be contacted through the app to obtain information on their situation or the effectiveness of this or that therapeutic strategy. A double accompaniment, in short, to better calmly crush the “der des ders”!