Angel removal, suction and care
Summer time also means wasp and bee time. What should you do if you are stung?
Remove Angel
If a sting is left behind at the site of the sting, it is often a bee. Bees lose their stinger when they sting and die a short time later.
The sting can be removed by scraping the skin with a knife, nail or a piece of paper. Do not squeeze, as this will release even more venom from the pouches attached to the stinger.
sucking out poison
You sometimes hear that you have to suck out poison with a vacuum pump, but that only helps if it happens within two minutes of the sting. After that, the poison has already attached itself to the cells or has entered the bloodstream. The skin often remains quite thick on the stung spot for several hours and the pain is severe.
Relieve itching and pain
Disinfecting is not necessary, as stings rarely infect. Soothing or anti-histamine ointments can be useful to reduce the itching and pain. To reduce the swelling, you can put ice on the stung area.
If you are not allergic, treatment is not really necessary. Think you may be allergic to a wasp or bee sting? Here you will find more information about allergies to insect bites.