A 70-year-old man has been between life and death since July 2 after being attacked by a swarm of bees. An extremely rare case but which deserves to be remembered that the bee sting, most often without consequence, can sometimes lead to serious reactions.
From 200 to 300 bites all over the body: the walker who was attacked by a swarm of bees on July 2 in Haute-Loire is still hospitalized in absolute urgency. Multiple bites, even without reaching such a level, are often dangerous. Monitoring in a hospital setting is recommended as soon as the victim has more than twenty bites.
Symptoms after a bee sting are related to the wasp’s stinger inoculating a venom composed of enzymes, peptides and amino acids, which penetrates the dense connective tissue of the skin.
Symptoms more intense in case of multiple bites
The sting is often painful, most often also fortunately benign: local redness, itching that disappears after a few hours. The symptoms are more intense in the event of multiple bites (the quantity of venom inoculated is indeed greater): vomiting, headaches, drop in blood pressure, even convulsions or loss of consciousness. Hence the importance, in this case, of monitoring in the hospital.
A possible allergic reaction
The danger in the event of a simple bite comes from a possible allergic reaction of the victim caused by the enzymes contained in the venom which lead to the formation of immunoglobulins. Symptoms of an allergic reaction are severe itching and swelling, difficulty breathing, drop in blood pressure, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. In extreme cases, airway obstruction and cardiovascular shock can lead to death. As soon as such symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor or go to the emergency room of a hospital.
Avoid the forceps to remove the stinger
For all types of stings, whether from a hornet, wasp or bee, disinfect it with soap and water, then apply an antiseptic solution. The bee can only sting once. In the event of a “simple” sting and with no consequence other than pain and local swelling: remove the sting with the fingernails, a knife or a credit card; but avoid using forceps which could burst the venom gland and release more of it. If you are in pain, take a painkiller. Above all, keep an eye on the bite for 48 hours. Each year, in France, about fifteen people die after a wasp sting, so be vigilant.