Can we do without pesticides? The 11th Week of alternatives to pesticides organized from March 20 to 30, 2016 by the association Future generationsprovides an opportunity to question the risks related to the spreading of phytosanitary products on agricultural crops. In a pamphlet entitled “Pesticides and health, all concerned“, the association recalls that, the evidence that long-term use of pesticides increases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases (such asAlzheimer’sor of Parkinson’s), of cancer, congenital malformations or neurobehavioral disorders, emerge in the conclusions of numerous scientific studies. Similarly, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), “there are one million serious pesticide poisonings and about 220,000 deaths worldwide every year” recalls Future Generations.
Agricultural spraying, gardening and insecticides
But how do pesticides enter our daily lives? Agricultural professionals are obviously the first to be affected, as are people living near fields. Domestic poisoning also involves the use of these products for gardening, the consumption of food and beverages from traditional agriculture and the domestic use of specific pesticides, insecticides (insect repellents, -mosquitoes, anti-lice, anti-fleas…). “Pesticides enter our body through the skin, by ingestion or by inhalation and can have immediate direct effects (acute intoxication) and/or can be felt or manifested in the long term (chronic effects)” is developing Future Generations.
Changing our habits
To limit our exposure, it is possible to adopt simple habits and gestures, according to the association. This means, for example, systematically peeling fruit and vegetables from traditional agriculture or opting for organic farming products, which guarantees a cultivation method without phytosanitary products. On a daily basis, you can also swap insecticides for essential oils (geranium essential oil against mosquitoes, lavender essential oils against fleas and spiders, etc.), or even adopt natural gardening techniques.
Faced with growing concerns about the impact of pesticides on our health, and on the occasion of this Week of Alternatives, the association Générations Futures proposescall the doctors on this issue to gather their professional opinions.
Also find all the events organized across France for the Week of Alternatives to Pesticides on the site Week without Pesticides.
>> To read also:
Pesticides: the risks of exposure during pregnancy
The ban on “bee-killing” pesticides debated in the Assembly
Hygienic protections suspected of containing pesticides
Pesticides: treating your plants, is it safe?