It is generally accepted that postmenopausal women are at greater risk of gaining weight. But a study shows that even light physical activity has a positive impact.
Gaining weight during menopause is the fear of many women. Yet a new study shows that extra pounds at this age are not inevitable.
The North American Menopause Society looked in a study on the case of 630 premenopausal women, and 274 postmenopausal women. At the menopause, the participants actually had a higher body mass index on average than the women who were not yet menopausal, but also a larger waist circumference.
Nevertheless, the researchers point out that they were also better able to remedy it than women still of childbearing age. They show that physical activity, even light, has a greater impact on the body of postmenopausal women.
Gardening or walking
A walk or a gardening session was enough for the study participants to see benefits for their physical health. Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle causes more damage to these women and can amplify weight gain and increased waist circumference.
“Our results are a strong public health message. Women going through menopause may be less motivated to exercise, due to all the physiological changes they are going through. We encourage them, saying that doing just a little physical activity can make a difference to their physical condition, ”observes Dr. Lisa Troy of the University of Massachusetts, lead author of the study.
The North American Menopause Society believes that this could help doctors better counsel women at this crucial time in their lives, about which they often have great doubts. Women can do a variety of non-strenuous daily physical activities to better manage their weight after menopause. This is an additional support tool available to health professionals to help women take care of their health and their build.