From August 2, 2021, passports and identity cards will no longer contain a citizen service number (BSN). This citizen service number will be replaced by a QR code to prevent identity fraud. State Secretary Raymon Knops (Internal Affairs) reports this in a letter to the House of Representatives.
The BSN, which was initially intended for communication between the government and the citizen, becomes visible to many people when a copy of the identity document is made. Only some organizations, such as life insurers, are allowed to make such a copy. Despite measures taken by the government to prevent the misuse of personal data, it is increasingly common for people to be victims of privacy violations. In order to halt the increase in identity fraud, the government therefore advises painting the citizen service number when making a copy.
No problems
From August 2021, the QR code will be added to the back of the ID card and the plastic ID page of the passport. “The government’s wish to replace the BSN with a QR code does not pose any problems, according to an investigation by the privacy regulator, the Dutch Data Protection Authority,” said Knops. To ensure easy checking or consultation of the citizen service number, the number remains visible on the back of both identification documents. According to Knops, this is also the reason that the QR code is not further protected.” To be able to scan the QR code, someone must have the document in their hands,” Knops writes. “Because it also states the citizen service number (BSN) itself, it makes no sense to prevent the QR code from being read.
Sources:, central government