During a press briefing, this Tuesday, January 21, 2020, the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, declared that in the face of the coronavirus which has been raging for several weeks in China and which has already killed 17 people – according to the Chinese authorities -, “ our health system is well prepared, health establishments have been informed and treatment recommendations have been issued.”
Since mid-December, a virus similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) has been raging in China. While this type of pneumonia has already killed seventeen people and a first case has been detected in Seattle (United States) – the patient was in China the previous week – vigilance has been triggered in France. The Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, spoke during a press briefing. According to her, “the risk of introduction into France is low but cannot be excluded, especially since there are direct airlines” with Wuhan, the Chinese city of 11 million inhabitants where the virus appeared. . “Our health system is well prepared, health establishments have been informed and treatment recommendations have been issued”, also specified the minister.
A suspected case in France
In France, a suspected case was finally excluded. Indeed, one person presented respiratory symptoms a few days after his stay in Wuhan. “He was taken care of in isolation in a reference establishment. He is fine, has returned home, all the virological examinations (carried out at the National Reference Center of the Institut Pasteur) are negative”, indicates Jérôme Salomon, Director General of Health. Since Friday January 17, French doctors have been invited to direct to the Samu or “a referent infectiologist” any person “presenting an acute respiratory infection, whatever its severity, having traveled or stayed in the city of Wuhan in China in the 14 days preceding the date of onset of clinical signs or having had close contact with a person who fell ill in this city”, according to Public Health France.
An emergency “of international concern”?
However, “at this stage, no border control measures have been taken, in accordance with the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization),” said Agnès Buzyn. At this time, the WHO has not implemented any travel restrictions. Precautionary instructions have nevertheless been introduced for travelers preparing to take off for Wuhan, especially since human-to-human transmission is possible. On social networks, the WHO broadcasts some health advice such as “wash your hands well”, “remember to cook meat and eggs well” or “cover your mouth” when you cough or sneeze. This Wednesday, January 22, the World Health Organization is to meet to determine whether to declare a “public health emergency of international concern.”