This Friday, November 25, 2022 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. A subject that unfortunately remains topical: in 2020, according to the government, 102 women were killed by their partner or ex-partner in France. And in 2019, around 213,000 women in France were victims of physical and/or sexual violence committed by their spouse or ex-spouse.
Precisely: to better combat this scourge, the High Authority for Health (HAS) has developed a new tool to help identify violence against women. This document, intended in particular for general practitioners (but not only: also for paediatricians, gynecologists, etc.), invites health professionals to ask their patients questions: how are things going at home / with your partner? Do you think you have suffered violence (physical, verbal, psychological, sexual) during your life?
Question all patients, especially during and after pregnancy
The HAS advises to “question systematically, even in the absence of warning signs“, “particularly in the context of pregnancy and postpartum“. An essential recommendation since, according to the HAS, “out of 10 patients seen, 3 to 4 women could be victims of domestic violence“…
In case of doubt, the doctor can (if necessary) put in place protective measures, draw up a medical certificate or a professional certificate, make a report to the courts, direct the victim to an appropriate associative, legal or health structure. . “The challenge is to normalize the subject among first-line professionals, to the benefit of earlier care for women victims of violence and their protection.“concludes the High Authority of Health.
Source : High Authority for Health (HAS)