Singer Véronique Sanson has been forced to cancel eleven concerts scheduled from the end of November because of her tonsil cancer. Update on this disease.
Due to her cancerous tumor, singer Véronique Sanson is forced to cancel eleven concerts scheduled from the end of November. “Véronique Sanson underwent radiotherapy treatment last October which forced us to cancel her concerts scheduled for November”, indicates her producer. While she was supposed to be able to do the second part of her tour, “the side effects due to radiotherapy force Véronique Sanson to take an additional rest of at least three months”, he adds.
“The tumor is very localized in the tonsils”
The 69-year-old singer suffers from a cancerous tonsil tumor. “The doctors detected this summer a tumor on an amygdala which requires a treatment of radiotherapy of six weeks”, indicated in September its producer. His relatives, contacted by The Parisianare reassuring: “The tumor is very localized in the tonsils and was detected and taken care of very early. Véronique had pain in her throat after the Francofolies and was very quickly examined. She was immediately treated “.
Tonsil cancer is part of the family of otolaryngological (ENT) cancers, also called upper aerodigestive tract cancers (VADS) or head and neck cancers.
The chances of recovery are around 20%.
This cancer is on the rise, mainly because of its viral origin (the papillomavirus, editor’s note), even if the people most affected in France remain alcoholic and tobacco users. In the advanced stages, the chances of recovery are around 20%, but it reaches 80% in patients with small tumors. The earlier you are diagnosed, the more likely you are to be cured.
At an early stage, as for Véronique Sanson, surgery or radiotherapy may be enough to overcome it. If the tumor is larger and/or lymph nodes are affected, treatment may also involve heavy chemotherapy treatment.
Signs that should alert
It is therefore essential to consult as soon as the warning signs persist for more than three weeks. Symptoms of throat cancer are: pain in the tongue, persistent mouth ulcers, hoarseness in the throat, difficulty and/or pain in swallowing, nasal obstruction with bleeding, mass or cervical lymph node. ENT cancers are the 4th leading cause of cancer in France. The number of new cases per year is around 14,000.