At home, the “quarter of an hour of politeness” is systematic and you are totally unable to go to an appointment without several minutes late? Go see your doctor, maybe you will be able to convince him to write you a prescription to justify your staggered hours to your employer…
It is in all that to succeed in getting Jim Dunbar, a 57-year-old Scotsman living in Dundee, a small town in the north-east of Scotland as reported by the British daily DailyMail. For the doctors of Ninewells Hospital who issued the diagnosis, the man would be suffering from a disease which would have the same origin as thehyperactivity or the attention deficit that some people suffer from. Thus, Jim Dunbar would be unable to assess the time it takes to perform daily tasks. However, he has a special clock in his living room which is directly connected to the speaking clock so that he always knows the exact time. But nothing helps, yet he is always late.
The man regrets his bad habit: I blame myself and ask myself: ‘Why can’t I be on time?’ I lost a lot of jobs. I can understand people’s reaction and why they don’t believe me “he explains in the Daily Mail. He also adds that it deeply affects his social life and gives some examples of his daily problems: “ I had arranged to pick up a friend at noon to go on vacation. And I arrived 4 hours late. He was furious because we missed the boat… Another time, a friend invited me for a meal and I arrived 4 hours late. It affects my whole life “.
Some experts are not convinced by the diagnosis of Jim Dunbar’s disease. Also in the English daily, Dr. Sheri Jacobson, psychotherapist and director of a clinic in London explains: ” this state is not referenced by the DSM5(the bible of psychiatrists which brings together all psychiatric illnesses and symptoms) and I’m not sure that fits the definition of a psychiatric condition. Repeated delays are usually symptomatic of disturbances in attention or depression; but it can also just be a bad habit. It seems unwise to me to turn a habit into a disease… That said, nothing prevents you from going to your doctor to give it a try…