Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty still holds the world record for the heaviest woman in the world. With the difference that the 37-year-old Egyptian woman weighing 500 kilos now weighs 400 kilos. She lost more than 100 kilos after a bariatric surgeryin a Bombay hospital in India. This operation has been associated with a diet consisting of liquid food.
“Eman has lost more than 100 kilograms and his weight is gradually decreasing every day thanks to the treatment and medical follow-up,” a spokesperson for the medical team told AFP.
The “miraculous” intervention consisted of removing part of the patient’s stomach as part of a sleeve gastrectomy. This technique of bariatric surgery was used to treat the patient who suffers from elephantiasis, a disease that causes swelling of the limbs. The woman had not been able to leave her home for 25 years. Since the operation, she can now sit down. Before returning to Egypt she remains under the observation of the medical team.
The patient “is now nourished with oral fluids and accepts them well. The rest of the treatment for the care team will consist in correcting all the associated medical problems, to put her back in sufficient condition so that she can return to Egypt as quickly as possible. as possible? “, announced this Thursday its Indian doctors in a statement taken up by Ouest-France.
This women’s day, here is a heartfelt message from one strong woman to another, #DrAparna on her journey with Eman & Shaimaa. #womensdaypic.twitter.com/jvtpADWiNz
– Save Eman (@SaveEmanCause) March 8, 2017
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