Endovenous radiofrequency therapy
There are several ways to treat varicose veins. Stripping is perhaps the most famous. Laser therapy is also often used. Another alternative is endovenous radiofrequency therapy.
The endovenous radiofrequency therapy, or VNUS treatment in varicose veins is similar to the endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) but instead of laser light, radiofrequency energy is used to treat the varicose vein. Radio waves heat the end of the catheter to 120 degrees Celsius, causing the vessel wall to shrink and closing the varicose vein.
The saphenous vein (VSM) is a large superficial vein that runs on the inside of the leg. Most varicose veins on the leg involve the VSM or its side branches. The VSM is therefore often switched off during varicose vein operations. Another vein that is often treated is the saphenous vein parva (VSP); a large, superficial draining blood vessel on the lower leg.
The varicose vein treatment
A VNUS varicose vein treatment takes place on an outpatient basis. So you do not need to be included. Via a puncture in the skin with a needle, the varicose vein to be treated is punctured and a working channel is first placed in the blood vessel, the so-called sheath. After this, a catheter is placed in the varicose vein. The correct position of the catheter is then determined with an ultrasound. After this, the leg is locally anesthetized on the inside, so that you do not feel pain during the varicose vein treatment. In the case of the VSP, the calf is anaesthetized. The varicose vein is then burned off with the help of the catheter.
burn down
The small catheter works with radio waves and delivers energy to the wall of the blood vessel. The wall of the varicose vein is now heated to 120 degrees Celsius, causing the vessel wall to shrink and the varicose vein to be closed. When the first seven centimeter segment has been treated, the catheter is withdrawn seven centimeters and the next segment of the varicose vein is treated. Each segment is treated for twenty seconds. When the varicose vein is closed, the blood is diverted through other healthy veins.
How long will the treatment take?
The varicose vein procedure itself takes two to three minutes. The entire varicose vein treatment, including preparation time and aftercare, takes an average of twenty minutes.
What Happens After Varicose Vein Treatment?
A pressure bandage is applied after the varicose vein procedure. You do not need to wear elastic stockings. It is important that you walk regularly, but prolonged standing and heavy physical exertion should be avoided as much as possible. You can often resume your daily activities the day after the varicose vein treatment.
How quickly do complaints improve?
Many people experience rapid relief from their complaints after varicose vein treatment, such as less heaviness in the legs and fatigue. The final effect of the varicose vein treatment is experienced within 1 to 2 weeks.
Does the varicose vein treatment hurt?
Complaints of pain during or after the varicose vein treatment are hardly experienced. The anesthetic injections can be sensitive.
Are there any side effects?
Most people do not have swelling, bruising and or scars after the varicose vein treatment.
Is varicose vein treatment reimbursed?
The VNUS varicose vein treatment is recommended by all health insurers, depending on the indication (medical necessity) fully reimbursed. An initial consultation to determine the nature of the varicose veins is always reimbursed with a referral letter from the general practitioner.