According to doctors at the Intermountain Medical Center Cardiology Institute in Salt Lake City (United States), the effect of antidepressants on the risk of cardiovascular disease is even greater than that of statins (anti-cholesterol drugs that fight cardiovascular risk). For 3 years, doctors followed 5,000 patients treated for moderate to severe depression. They then found that antidepressant drugs not only improved mood, but reduced heart risk.
“We analyzed death rates from coronary heart disease and stroke in relation to levels of depression and its treatment. This showed that patients with moderate to severe depression who took antidepressants had a lower risk of death. compared to patients with the same level of depression but not taking antidepressants,” said Professor Heidi May, lead author of the study.
According to this professor, treating depression causes behavioral changes in patients, who again take care of themselves and their diet. “These lifestyle changes actually reduce cardiovascular risk.”
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Depression linked to brain inflammation
Teenage depression: how to spot it?
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