How to differentiate flu from Covid-19? Fever, body aches, fatigue, breathing difficulties… many symptoms are identical. By getting vaccinated against the flu, YOU protect your body from the scourge of winter. The pharmacy network Pharmaactiv offers a vaccination service at the pharmacy, free and by appointment de promote a simple organization for all and to welcome you without risk. This service is in the running for the 2021 Top Health Prize in the Prevention Campaign category.
Getting a flu shot is A simple and quick gesture that protects the weakest among us. Seniors, pregnant women, patients with chronic illnesses, obese people, relatives of infants with risk factors for serious flu… All these audiences deserve simple solutions to access the vaccine. This is why in the 1400 pharmacies in the network Phamactiv on French territory, everything is already ready to welcome you!
The MyPharmactiv website and mobile application allow everyone, in one click, to make an appointment to get vaccinated against the flu, a way of limiting contact for the most vulnerable among us. It is also possible thanks to this same app to obtain a history of vaccines for oneself and the whole family, entered by the pharmacist or the beneficiary: a traceability allowing to carry out its reminders in time. In Phamactiv pharmacies, vaccination is turnkey!
This year the issue of vaccination is twofold: right in the rebound of the Covid-19 epidemic, the authorities and the medical world want at all costs to prevent fragile populations from being affected and that the seasonal virus does not contribute to clogging up medical practices and hospitals. Getting vaccinated means protecting yourself and others, so what are you waiting for to make an appointment?
Vaccination at the pharmacy, Pharmaactiva free service offered in the 1,400 pharmacies that are members of the network Pharmaactiv. Appointment on to identify the nearest pharmacy.