1 / In the period we are going through, stress, unease and fear have reached record levels, precursors of many diseases. What solutions do you offer our readers to solve this problem?
You have certainly observed a surprising phenomenon: faced with the same difficult situation, we all have different reactions. Some crumble, others choose struggle, and a few seem to glide easily over the issue that has affected others so much. Since the publication of the bestseller “The Biology of Beliefs” by Dr. Bruce Lipton, we know that these differences in behavior owe nothing to chance. It is indeed our perception of an event that drives our way of reacting and not the event itself.
The solutions proposed in our workshop “Heart health” consist of a few very simple exercises that can soothe our inner state in a few moments, leading to an immediate drop in the level of stress. Thinking clears up, our vision of events becomes more positive and allows us to find the best solutions to the problems posed while allowing our immune system to function optimally. In better health, we feel stronger, therefore more optimistic. Despite the external circumstances, lasting well-being can thus take hold, replacing the vicious circle of stress-malaise-disease with the virtuous circle of appeasement-well-being-health.
https://ateliers.birththechange.com – Introductory price €24.95
2/ You also offer a “9 months for life” workshop for pregnant women. How can this workshop help future parents to offer their child the best conditions to flourish and live in full health throughout their lives?
Contemporary science has long been ignorant of the realities and consequences of prenatal life and very early childhood. Many erroneous beliefs were finally challenged in the 1980s thanks to the work of Dr. Thomas Verny, a Canadian psychiatrist who revealed “The secret life of the child before his birth.” »
Through her way of life and her psychic life, the pregnant woman exerts a considerable influence on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development of the child she carries within her. He feels and lives with her the emotional changes of his daily life and builds himself accordingly. Like the damage caused by a chaotic or disrupted prenatal life, the benefits of a conscious and loving interaction between parents and their unborn baby extend throughout their lives.
Our “9 months for life” workshop offers pregnant women the means to relax and enter into conscious communication with their baby in a state of gentle relaxation conducive to feelings and subtle exchanges. She will soon realize, like others before her, that having an awake and serene child is in no way the result of chance. The regular practice of the exercises and guided relaxations presented in the workshop will not only allow her to better live her pregnancy, but also to offer her child a beginning of life from which she will benefit for a very long time. She will also learn a very simple and proven method to use during pregnancy, which will later allow her to soothe her child in a few moments. This technique is very popular with parents!
https://ateliers.birththechange.com Introductory price €19.95
3/ Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you come to care about health and wellness and offer practical solutions to contemporary issues?
Julie Gerland was born in Hong Kong at a time when the status of expatriate Europeans in this British colony offered them enviable living conditions and material comfort. She noticed very young that far from living in fullness, many reported a deep malaise and a feeling of emptiness that no material acquisition seemed able to fill. At the age of sixteen, she was called day and night by people to whom everything seemed to have succeeded and who were nevertheless sinking into chronic depression. Far from benefiting from their financial abundance, Julie understood very early on that the real wealth lies within ourselves and that we live in a loving universe ready to offer true abundance to those who know how to open the doors to it. Coming into contact with this profound truth at a time when her family was going through a financial disaster, she decided to share with as many people as possible her knowledge and access to the state of inner well-being that has inhabited her for decades. In more than forty years, she has helped countless couples, trained many professionals and promoted the importance of the prenatal period within the framework of the United Nations.
François Gerland has long exercised the profession of airline pilot and thus benefited from an exceptional window on the realities of the world. Having traveled all over the world, he was able to observe that all human beings, wherever they live, all have the same basic needs for food, love, peace and health. In the fast-paced world of aviation, he realized early on the serious damage caused by stress. One day, an executive in his company’s passenger check-in department told him that the young women on his team who had become pregnant that year had all lost their babies. Today, having become a therapist and instructor, he works to unearth the root causes of stress, many of which date back to the prenatal period and are fortunately not inevitable if we agree to take an interest in them. He has been training professionals for more than fifteen years.
The two workshops “Heart health” and “9 months for life” are the result of the experience accumulated by Julie and François and provide access to several of their most effective methods.