Caffeine is said to interfere with the repair of the ear after hearing loss temporary, according to the results of a study published in the medical journal Journal of the American Medical Association. Conclusions obtained in laboratory on animals.
Researchers at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center in Canada conducted an experiment with animals exposed to 110 decibel sound, identical to that of a rock concert.
“When the ear is overexposed to sound, it can suffer from hearing loss temporary, also known as a temporary displacement of the hearing threshold, ”explains Dr. Faisal Zawawi, member of the Auditory Sciences Laboratory of the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Center. “This type of problem usually resolves within 72 hours of exposure, but if symptoms persist the deterioration can be permanent. “
One of the two groups consumed caffeine and the other did not. If all the animals suffered from the same temporary hearing loss, those without caffeine recovered better than the others and regained their hearing original after 8 days.
“Our research confirmed that exposure to a high volume auditory stimulus, coupled with a daily intake of 25mg / kg of caffeine caused a clearly negative impact on hearing restoration,” Dr. Faisal Zawawi.
Caffeine is present at party venues
The results of this study should alert people who consume caffeine (also found in energy drinks) at concerts or parties where their ears are exposed to high volume levels.
“The recommended daily intake of caffeine of 3mg / kg [qui équivaut à trois tasses de café de 8 oz (237 ml)] is often overwhelmed ”recall the authors. “Some energy drinks, which are particularly popular with teens and young adults, contain more than 200 mg of caffeine.”
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