November 14, 2001 – A group of scientists found that taking Metabolife-356, an ephedra-based supplement (my huang in Chinese medicine) and guarana (a substance containing caffeine) promotes short-term weight loss, but carries significant risks of side effects. This is what a study reveals1 conducted with obese people by researchers at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons.
After trying, without much success, a multitude of weight loss diets, many people who are overweight are turning to dietary supplements, especially those based on ephedra, which are the most popular. Products containing ephedra, caffeine and aspirin have already been studied and their action is well documented. They are effective because they help reduce appetite, but also because their “thermogenesis” action on the body has the effect of converting calories more quickly. A natural product combining ephedra and guarana had never been evaluated to date.
For the study, the researchers followed 67 healthy obese people for eight weeks to determine the risks and short-term effects of taking Metabolife-356, a combination of ephedra and guarana as the main active agent. to lose weight. Only 35 people received dietary supplements, two tablets containing 12 mg of ephedra and 40 mg of guarana, respectively, to be taken three times a day before each meal, while the other group received a placebo. All participants were required to follow a low-fat diet (equivalent to 30% of their daily caloric portion) and a progressive training program (a 30-minute walk three times a week) in addition to attending health tours. bi-weekly check-ups to be weighed, to have their blood pressure taken and to report side effects.
The results show a much greater decrease in weight and fat (waist and hip) in subjects taking Metabolife-356. Regarding their cardiovascular condition, there was a decrease in triglyceride levels. There was also a small increase in blood sugar level (much more significant than in the placebo group). There was also an increase in heart rate and systolic pressure (after the 6e week). Of note: 11 people in the treated group gave up on the way because of side effects that could be related to the treatment: increased blood pressure, palpitations with or without chest pain and extreme irritability. Other side effects were also reported at the last visit: dry mouth, insomnia and headache.
In their conclusions, the researchers point out the stimulating effects associated with ephedrine and caffeine. However, they believe that other ingredients in the product could also be involved. Further studies will be needed to assess the potential long-term effects and risks of the product.
This is not the first time that the safety of ephedra has been questioned. Last September, the Public Citizen Health Research Group, a US lobby group, lodged a complaint with the FDA to have ephedra supplements taken off the market because of numerous reports of side effects.
Monique Lalancette – PasseportSanté.net
According to Herbal Gram 53, Clinical Study Suggests Relative Safety and Efficacy of Ephedra-Guarana combination, p. 20.
1. Boozer CN, Nasser JA, Heymsfield SB, Wang V, Chen G, Solomon JL. An herbal supplement containing Ma Huang-Guarana for weight loss: a randomized, double-blind trial. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2001 Mar; 25 (3): 316-24.