Sadness, disinterest, loss of pleasure, feeling of worthlessness … These symptoms are well known to people who suffer from depression. This disease, which can occur at any time and can strike at any age, puts you at risk of suicide when it is at a severe stage. This experience of emptiness, that of being on a razor’s edge, Destinyblue has already lived. This artist who lives in East London uses her drawing skills to exorcise her emotions and put her emotions on the canvas.
Draw to manage your emotions
On the Devian art website, the young woman reports on this fight against herself by exhibiting her illustrations, reports the Huffington Post. In the part “Battles against her mental health” she testifies to her torments, her emotions. All in finesse her palette with bluish shades explores the waltz of emotions that sometimes tosses her between well-being and discomfort, even suicidal thoughts. The brush powerfully expresses the feelings of loneliness, isolation and hopelessness that run through people with depression.
These works are also posted on his Instagram account. @destinyblue. This is followed by more than 38,500 subscribers.
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