Consuming almonds every day increases the levels of certain molecules in the blood. These contribute to better recovery after physical exercise.
- The benefits of almonds could be linked to the polyphenols that their skin contains.
- Almonds also help reduce oxidative stress in cells, which aids recovery.
Do you play sports? Eat almonds! This is the conclusion of a study published in Frontiers in Nutrition. According to its authors, regular consumption of almonds improves recovery after physical exercise. In any case, the blood levels of certain molecules are higher in people who often eat these dried fruits.
Blood, urine, morale: what are the effects of almonds on the body?
In concrete terms, scientists at the University of North Carolina have recruited around sixty people, aged 30 to 65. They did not practice regular physical activity. Two groups were formed by the researchers: in the first, the participants were the “witnesses”, they ate a cereal bar every day. The other group had to eat 57 grams of almonds per day. The authors took blood and urine samples before and after the trial, which lasted four weeks. At the same time, they carried out 1h30 performance tests, including jumping, bench press and running exercises. Blood and urine samples were also taken immediately after this 90-minute session, and then daily for the next four days. After each blood test, the participants answered a questionnaire to assess their mental state and identify any aches.As expected, the 90-minute exercise resulted in an increase in the self-reported feeling of muscle aches and pains, as well as an increase in the questionnaire score, indicating a decrease in vigor and an increase in fatigue, anxiety and depression”observe the authors.
Almonds, beneficial for post-exercise recovery
But the results were not the same in the two groups. Dr. David C. Nieman, one of the study’s authors, explains: “LVolunteers who consumed 57 g of almonds daily for one month before exercise sessions had more 12,13-DiHOME in their blood immediately after exercise than control volunteers.”. The term refers to a healthy fat: also called oxylipin (oxidized fat), this molecule is synthesized from linoleic acid by brown adipose tissue, and has a beneficial effect on metabolic health, energy regulation and recovery of the body after physical exertion.
Immediately after exercise, the concentration of 12,13-DiHOME was 69% higher in the blood plasma of participants in the almond group than in those in the control group. “They also reported feeling less fatigue and tension, better leg strength and less muscle damage after exercise compared to volunteers in the control group.“, continues the specialist.
Almonds: a complex blend of nutrients ideal for recovery
Conversely, another molecule, harmful to recovery, and health in general, was present in greater quantities in participants in the control group, compared to those who ate almonds: 9,10-dihydroxy acid. -12-octadecenoic mildly toxic (9,10-diHOME). Its rate was 40% higher, in blood samples collected immediately after exercise, in the control group, compared to the almond group.
“We conclude that almonds provide a unique and complex blend of nutrients and polyphenols that may support metabolic recovery after stressful levels of physical exercise for the body, details David C. Nieman. Almonds contain high amounts of protein, healthy fats, vitamin E, minerals and fiber.”