Three days before the national demonstration of interns and doctors against health bill, a certain excitement seems to reign within the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Thus, Thursday morning, Ségolène Neuville, Secretary of State in charge of disabled people and the fight against exclusion, announced that the deductibles would be automatically deducted from the bank account of the insured to allow generalization of third-party paymentby 2017. But a few hours later, a press release from Marisol Touraine clarified that the procedures for recovering deductibles on care had not yet been definitively decided. “The principle of direct debit from the bank account of the insured, proposed in a report by the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) of July 2013 on third-party payment, is one of the avenues studied, among others,” indicated the Minister, without however specifying what the other avenues under consideration could be.
The healthcare deductible is the amount deducted from the reimbursements made by your health insurance fund for visits to the doctor, medicines, paramedical procedures and medical transport. It is 1 euro for each visit to the doctor and 50 cents per box of medicine. It is well known, the small streams making the big rivers, the deductibles would represent a total revenue of 1.5 billion euros for the Health Insurance.
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