The first general practitioner union, MG France, warns doctors against the first bugs observed with the expansion of third-party payment.
On July 1, the third-party payment was extended to pregnant women and ALD patients. A first step before the total generalization of the advance fee waiver which will be effective from January 1, 2017. As this date approaches, the liberal doctors’ unions have reiterated their call for a boycott.
In a press release published this Sunday, MG France maintains that the implementation device is “unsuitable”. With proof to the key. The first general practitioner union cites the latest evolution of the Sesam-Vitale billing specifications. It is used by doctors to send electronic treatment sheets to the Health Insurance. But since the last extension of third-party payment, “this system bugs when billing consultations”.
Towards a forced generalization of the GPT
In any case, this is what the members of the union say that, since last Friday, some software has immediately (default setting) an electronic care sheet in third party payment for all patients in ALD including the card. Vitale is up to date. “Without drawing the doctor’s attention to this” forcing “, and while this third-party payment is still optional until January 1, 2017”, protested Dr. Claude Leicher, president of MG France.
Worse, this general practitioner warns that all doctors who have made recent updates would be affected, “since software editors generally follow these specifications”. “This puts us in a generalization of third-party payment without the knowledge of our own free will,” he laments.
Dr Claude Leicher, president of MG France: ” This widespread bug is a bit of coffee strong. It’s an unbearable way of doing things on the part of the CNAM “.
And doctors are not the only victims. Patients are directly penalized by “this passage in force of the CNAM” denounced by MG France. Dr Claude Leicher indicates in fact that “many general practitioners have received fees for these consultations involuntarily in third party payment”. “In Mantes-la-Ville (Yvelines) for example, Dr Gilles Urbejtel was forced to call back three of his patients to reimburse them, ”he adds.
In addition, this general practitioner also had to contact his CPAM to avoid being paid a second time by the latter. “That’s a lot for doctors who are already complaining about administrative overload,” says Dr Leicher.
“An anticipation”, according to the CNAM
Faced with this bug, MG France calls on doctors “to be vigilant” when drafting their electronic treatment sheets. According to its president, the CNAM defends itself by indicating that it has just “anticipated a regulation 6 months in advance”. “But without notifying the health professionals concerned, this is not a way of doing things”, concludes the trade unionist.
Claude leicher : ” The doctor does not necessarily have access to the default settings. Or at least it’s a maneuver they don’t usually do. “