April 26, 2019.
Being able to present your Vitale card to practitioners directly from your smartphone is planned for 2021, thanks to the “Vitale card app” which will be tested this summer. The dematerialized prescription should also be tested this year, for generalization in 2020.
The “Vitale card app” tested before the end of 2019
The Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, presented on April 25, 2019 her ” digital health roadmap “. Among the 26 ” actions “, Including the famous shared medical file or the development of telemedicine, figure the “Vitale card app”, that is to say a dematerialized Vitale card thanks to a mobile application.
According to the Minister, “ the ‘Vitale card’ app, intended to become the identification and authentication tool in the health system, meets the demand of patients foraccess up-to-date rights in all circumstances and benefit from online procedures “. It will be tested from this summer, for a generalization planned for 2021.
Dematerialized prescriptions tested from 2019
Another great novelty announced by the Minister: “e-prescription”. It is about giving the possibility of prescribe dematerialized prescriptions, for drugs as a first step, then for nursing procedures and biological analyzes.
For Agnès Buzyn, “e-prescription” should make it possible to “ secure the prescription transmission circuit and promote coordination between professionals “. The experiment must also begin in 2019, for generalization from 2020.. By these measures, the government wishes ” accelerate the digital shift »In the health sector.
Aurélie Giraud
Read also : The vital card: the essentials to remember