For millions of Chinese people of all ages, the day cannot begin and end without this thousand-year-old gymnastics. The name of this art (pronounce tchi kong) associates two ideograms, the qi for “breath, energy” and the gong for “work”. Its goal is to bring health and moral well-being, by ensuring the circulation of vital energy in the body on the acupuncture meridians. According to the principles of Chinese medicine, slow and flexible movements, supported by rhythmic breathing and concentration, make it possible to remove the obstacles causing organic and psychological disorders.
“The effects of stress are manifested in the upper body: we have the neck, shoulders and stomach knotted, explains Dominique Casaÿs, physiotherapist masseur specializing in Chinese massages also president of the European Federation of qigong and energy arts (FEQGAE) . In China, they say that everything must be digested, food, but also daily events. Yet we have too much left “on the stomach”. ” Practiced ten to fifteen minutes a day, with self-massage of acupuncture points where tensions are concentrated, anti-stress exercises help to overcome this barrier. To reconnect with the sensations of our body and harmony.
Where to go?
– Les Temps du corps, 10, rue de l’Echiquier, 75010 Paris. Tel .: 01 48 01 68 28. Website: This center organizes courses, internships and training.
– European Federation of Qigong and Energy Arts ((FEQGAE), 13, avenue Victor-Hugo, 13100 Aix-en-Provence. Tel .: 04 42 93 34 31. Website:
To come up
The FEQGAE is organizing the 15th national qigong day on June 7 in 8 cities in France: Paris, Nantes, Strasbourg, Nancy, Lyon, Marseille, Montauban, Tours. Demonstrations, workshops and conferences are offered. The theme chosen for this 15th edition: “The movements of energy”. More information on the Federation website.