It was to be expected: the prostate has now, like most organs or diseases, its World Day … It is however likely that if this prostate was located at the end of the ear, we would probably never talk about it. Yes, but alas, this tiny gland completely surrounds the tube called the urethra, which connects the bladder to the outside.
Until the age of 50, we hear little or no talk about the prostate. It is a gland which is used in the composition of the sperm. Unfortunately, after 50 years, she often presents a new growth spurt and then, it is the adenoma. If this disease does not endanger the life of the one who suffers from it, the situation of the prostate around the urethra causes many inconveniences due to the crushing of this tube. The bladder empties badly and almost all older men were well aware of the symptoms: difficulty urinating, the jet that becomes weak and thin – the days of teenage contests are long gone. If nothing is done, the situation worsens: urine leakage, infection or, more serious, blockage of the bladder which is then an absolute emergency.
It is estimated that out of 8 million French people over 50, two million show one of the warning signs. This is the moment when the consultation with the general practitioner is imperative. Its screening is done by means of a simple examination, the rectal examination.
Admittedly, a man who is still young, suffering for example, from a sore throat may be surprised to be offered this somewhat traumatic examination, but modesty, fatalism, refusal to grow old can have unfortunate consequences later on, because if the medical treatment does not work any more, the recourse to the surgery is then imperative.
The prostate adenoma should therefore not be scary because it never turns into cancer. This cancer is another disease, another prognosis, but the discovery of which is also made thanks to the rectal examination. Here again, the earlier the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment.
So a piece of advice to over 50s. If your doctor does not offer it to you, ask for this simple and free screening test.